02. What is a Container?
What are containers Heading
What is a Container?
In this concept, you will learn about containers, which will solve the problem of environment consistency when you deploy your application from a development environment to a production environment.
FSND C4 L1 A02 What Are Containers
What are containers Recap
Two ways of bundling an application with its environment and dependencies are containers and virtual machines . Both methods allow an application to be run with minimal differences between development and production, and both can be used to horizontally scale an application.
Multiple containers and VMs can be run on the same machine, but containers running on the same machine share the same low-level operating system [kernel](
operating_system%29 ). You will learn more virtual machines and how they differ from containers more in the next concept.
Containers Quiz
Containers vs Virtual Machines Prep
- They solve the ‘It works on my machine problem’.
- They package an application with its dependencies.
- They are lightweight.